What people are saying about the Samapatti teaching and trainings:

“In a word, transformational! My journey not only taught me the essential history and understanding of many aspects of yoga on physical, mental, emotional and physiological levels, but it changed me positively and continues to change me from the inside out.  Mike is a caring and genuine guru who taught by lesson and action.  The instructors Mike has carefully hired (Gabriel Halpern, Jagdish P. Dave, etc) and trained (Amanda Barnes, Jennifer Connelly, etc) and continues to educate are an incredible group of compassionate and committed instructors. ~~Joanna D., Crown Point, IN

“My experience with Samapatti Yoga Teacher Training had a huge impact on my life, not only as an individual interested in studying the art and science of yoga, but as a veteran with service-connected injuries.  I not only learned more about myself and my medical conditions, but was able to remedy all of them during the training. It is now something I can carry with me as well as give to others.” ~~P. Murphy, Sarasota, FL

“As an Occupational Therapist, I found the Yoga Teacher Training very valuable in my personal life and also in my private practice.  Mike has been a yoga instructor and counselor for many years, and his vast knowledge is very informative as a yoga teacher training instructor.”  ~~Regina S.

“… your gentle approach to yoga and life inspired me to teach.”  ~~Kathy R., Chicago, IL

“I signed up to learn about hatha yoga, but what I ended up doing was learning about myself. On and off the mat Mike teaches yoga in the true sense of the word. He is the best teacher I have ever studied with and I look forward to taking more trainings in the future.” ~~Tara I., Toronto, Canada

“Mike embodies the ancient teachings found in the traditional literature and the spiritual heritage of India and imparts this knowledge to his students in a way which is understandable. I highly recommend Mike’s teacher training for those of us who wish to carry on the tradition of yoga.”  ~~Pegg A., Chicago, IL